Friday, August 29, 2014


My name is Lucas Ribeiro Duarte and I came from Brazil. I came from a little city in Brazil, in the south east region called Uberlandia in the state of Minas Gerais. So I came from a city that is too far way of the sea and because this I never gone to the sea but I will go someday. In my city, I cursing the major in Agriculture or how we called there Agronomy. I would finish my major in the next year but how I came to USA in this year I can’t finish in the right time, but it is a good reason.
I have 24 years old and how a lot of people in the same age I like to see movies, play sports, video games and a another normal things. I like to see cartoons in TV and I think that I never will stop to see than because is too fun. I like to play soccer and I try to play in back or in the middle, thinking in the game and running a lot. I played soccer in real live and love to play in the video game to, and I spend a lot of my time playing soccer games in video game, because it is one of my favorite’s games. I try to go to the movies how is possible, because I really like to watching movies in a lot of different genders like adventure and scientific fiction. I really don’t have the habit of read books and you will see me doing that just when is really necessary, studying for a test or something like that.
In this year I do one thing that I never had made before, I travel for another country to do English classes to improve my poor English and I makes me a polyglot guy. My English is very bad but I think that I will learn more staying here in Macomb to study English. After my English classes I go to do my major course here in Macomb and one friend told me that is really difficult but is good to learn more and more. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you! While I do not grade blogs on structure, I encourage you to not translate what you are writing because your sentences read like translations from Portuguese to English which inhibits the fluency.
