Sunday, September 14, 2014

Knee injury

Practicing sports is really good for ours lives and makes the life more healthy but sometimes when you playing your favorite sport you hurt and need to stop and don't play more, just rest. One of the most common injures in the sports happen in the knee and make you stop to play for a long time and just try to recover. In Brazil, the record in knee injuries happen when you are playing soccer and generally hurts the ligament making the knee swelling. After you suffer an injury in the is recommended that you put an compress with hot water to makes the swelling reduce or put ice works too and after 48 hours if the swelling don't reduce you need to see an doctor for make some exams to confirm that the injury affects the ligament and if need to suffer an surgery.
Last week one friend hurt his knee and makes me worry about my own knee because six years ago I hurt my knee too and need to make an surgery to fix it. After my surgery I can't put my foot in the floor for almost two months and need to do physiotherapy for tow months for recover my knee. Today I usually play soccer and don't feel my knee hurts more but is really important to have some care for don't hurt again and pass by another surgery. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you have to wear a brace when you play? If not, be careful! Ligament tears are so common in soccer players and more common in women than men. It is scary!
