Sunday, October 26, 2014


In this weekend my friends and I were to Chicago to make the TOEFL exam. We leave Macomb on Friday by train and almost four hours later we arrived in Chicago and after this we walked a long time in the city, to know more that amazing city and waste time until we can make the check in the hotel. Almost in the check time we walked again by the city but now we want to find our hotel. We found the hotel and we saw that is a simple hotel but well enough for two days. After we made the check in the hotel we stay there and contact our families to say that everything was ok. In the other day we woke 5 am to prepare for the exam and we lived the hotel and walked again for the place where we will do the test. Almost four hours and half later, we finished the test and we took the subway for a Brazilian restaurant and we ate a very good feijoada with a natural orange juice. After that we keep walking to know more the city and we were to the lake and after to the zoo. How we were a long time out of our hotel we decided to go back for rest and after enjoy the night. In the night we ate a sandwich and after we were for a nightclub and we back to our hotel 5 am just to take our bags and leave, going back to Macomb.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My knee surgery

In Brazil, a big part of the people play or like to see soccer games. With me was not different, since I was young I played soccer, I played side my house, in street, even in my school, every place is good to play soccer. Once, when I was playing at my school, I was running and had a guy on my side and when I kicked for the goal and my leg was in the air, he hit my leg, upon my knee. After that, I fell in the ground I almost can’t walked back to my class. My knee swelled, and stay swollen for 2 weeks, after that, my knee was back to normal, and I tried to play soccer again, and of course it was not a good idea, because my knee got out of the place, I swelled again. So, I can not run and I can not play soccer, so I went to the doctor, and he said that everything was fine, I just needed to rest. I did it, I rested for a few weeks and of course, I tried to play soccer again, and again, my knee got out of the place and swelled again, so I went to another doctor I did some tests, to know what was happening. The doctor discovered that I had ruptured the ligament of the knee, and almost two months later, I passed for a surgery, in August 18 of 2008, I remember that date, because it is my birthday. After the surgery, I was in my house and I needed to do physiotherapy, to  have the movement of the leg again. So I did almost 60 physiotherapy sessions and I stayed two months without putting my foot in the ground, but after that I can walk again. After the physiotherapy sessions, I needed to go in the gym, to worked out my leg, because it was weak. So I worked out for 2 months and my leg was back to normal. Almost 7 months after the surgery, I went back to playing soccer again.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Almost 70% of our planet is water, the most important liquid for our survival. Unfortunately, the amount of freshwater is not big for everybody in the world, being almost 5% of the total water. The freshwater can be found in rivers and underground, in groundwater, that focuses a big part of the freshwater. Brazil has the biggest reserve of freshwater in the world, but, until it the people suffers with the fault of freshwater, because in the present day, the rivers and the dikes have not enough freshwater for all the population. With this problem, the government try to take some strategies for stop the waste of water, and trying to redistribute the water for places that need more than others. Is really important stop with the waste and the pollution of the freshwater, because we can't live without water.